Etsy collaborates with Shiprocket to offer Indian sellers domestic shipping labels.

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Etsy aims to assist small businesses in the handicrafts industry in expanding their reach to a larger customer base. According to ET Online, Pankaj Jathar, Etsy’s vice president and country head for India, stated, “We are dedicated to equipping small businesses with the necessary tools to connect with our worldwide audience of over 100 million buyers. Introducing domestic shipping labels for sellers in India will simplify the shipping process and offer increased protection. This enhancement will also improve the overall shopping experience for buyers as we continue our growth in India.”


Etsy entered the Indian market in 2018 and has provided a platform for Indian handicrafts businesses to sell their products globally. By introducing domestic shipping labels, Etsy demonstrates its commitment to further expansion in India and encourages sellers to target Indian customers as well as international ones.

Saahil Goel, co-founder and CEO of Shiprocket, expressed the company’s dedication to creating a technology-friendly and inclusive environment for domestic sellers. According to ET Online, he stated, “Through this partnership, our goal is to provide an effortless shipping experience to Etsy’s extensive network of sellers in India.

Through simplifying and improving their shipping needs, our objective is to empower them to broaden their clientele and successfully accomplish their business objectives.

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